Re: A Violent Realisation [Was: Preferences]

Jeff Waugh wrote:

<quote who="iain">

We removed workspaces? I thought we'd removed viewports...

Shows that some of us really have no clue what they are. Which is the one
you can't drag windows between?

Heh. This really is silly, innit?

 We now call a subset of the features of the old Sawfish viewports and
 workspaces, 'workspaces'.

 The main missing feature of the two previous systems is the grid
 representation of desktop areas, navigable in those terms (ie. North,
 South, East, West, rather than just Next and Previous).

Regardless of how it's done, we need to understand what people are missing
on a feature-by-feature basis, not by the silly confusing terms we used to

I think you will find that people's position on this issue is similar to click to focus vs. sloppy focus, vi vs. emacs, etc. Some prefer one, some prefer the other, some people have no preference or use both depending on context. People on one side can't imagine why people on the other side use would choose that preference.

By removing one of the options, you are going to piss some people off.


[ for the record, I prefer viewports over workspaces, as I like to think of them as being laid out in a plane rather than as a stack of cards. I think this is similar to the reason why many people seem to prefer Xinerama over traditional multi screen X setups. People who prefer workspaces are obviously on crack. ]

Email: james daa com au

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