Re: new easy GNOME2 CVS build script

On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 14:53, Ali Akcaagac wrote:
> > oki i updated that script again but i am not going to post it here
> > again. if you like please visit my webpage (link below) it contains the
> > most recent version of that script with some enchancements and bugfixes
> > please feel free to use it. its announced on my mainpage so its easy to
> > grab.

another new version same place as usual my webpage.

-0.0.7	- fixed a minor issue with galaxymode.
	- fixed some minor issues with ui output.
	- rearranged a complete code sequence now if the directory you
	- support to strip binaries during installation. this works
	  if your binutils support this. it's known to be broken on
	  some systems.
	  point at doesn't exists then this script will create the
	  complete directory hierarchy. it's not limited to galaxymode
	- better handling of CVSROOT e.g. if people have an account and
	  they already exported it then our CVSROOT overwrites it. this
	  issue has been nailed down.
	- exporting of some important environment flags e.g. if one
	  installs into a different location so we need to make sure
	  that the binary, library etc. paths are becomming valid.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science
E-Mail..: mailto:ali akcaagac stud fh-wilhelmshaven de

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