Re: mini-commander

On Mon, 2002-02-25 at 05:58, Wayne Schuller wrote:
> hi Bastien,
> On Mon, 2002-02-25 at 15:28, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > We talked about it with Kevin, and we thought that mini-commander is
> > awfully buggy and useless, as it duplicates functionality from the
> > "Run..." dialog.
> > 
> > Does anybody have a strong case for its survival other than "I use it"
> > (for example "I fixed all the bugs against it") ?
> I have used it daily for a few years... and I love it.
> I would feel my gnome experience is incomplete without it.
> I have not noticed any bugs - but all I do is type in commands and use
> the completion and the history - no macros.
> It is simply the quickest an easiest way for me to launch applications -
> I don't have space to clutter my panel with launchers.
> I actually would have argued for using it in the default panel setup, so
> at least we should keep it in.
> Can you justify the statement that it is awfully buggy? 
> It only has about 8 bugs against it in bugzilla.
> Please point me to the bugs, and I will help fix them.

Get the cvs HEAD version, and try to use it. It has a lot of focus
problems, and you can hardly get the right-click menu.

If you can help fix these, that would be great as neither Kevin nor
myself use this tool.


/Bastien Nocera

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