Re: GNOME Development Series Snapshot 2.3.0: "Mighty Atom"

On Sat, 2003-04-12 at 18:09, Alan Johnson wrote:
> > And how would a user that doesn't know anything about different IM
> > protocols choose? Should they just pick on randomly?
> It doesn't seem like that user would be on IM very long.  Who would they
> talk to?

IM is one of the most popular Internet technologies there is.  Tons of
people I know who don't know the difference between a CPU and a monitor
have IM (mostly thru AOL, of course).

My suggestion for picking protocol would probably be just to make it
plain and clean.  Not just AIM or OSCAR, but AOL Instant Messanger, or
MSN Messenger, etc.  Of course, there's probably legal issues there,
using full names...

Your friends definitely do decide your protocols tho.  Everyone I know
but one person uses AIM, the other person uses MSN.  (Guess which two,
and only two, IM systems I have acounts on.)  I don't like either
protocol, but that's what I use.  One of my other friends used to use
ICQ all the time, but switched to AIM because of popularity/friends.

> Yours,
> Alan
Sean Middleditch <elanthis awesomeplay com>
AwesomePlay Productions, Inc.

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