Re: [RE: 2.4 Module List - zenity]

<quote who="Shahms E. King">

> > > > zenity --emulate-version=2.4 
> > > > zenity --emulate-version=2.6
> > > 
> > > I like it. And it could even then call an old versioned executable to keep
> > > everything tidy.
> > 
> > I have never, ever seen command line parameters like these. Could someone
> > point me to prior art in versioned command line parameter parsing field?
> I'm sure you've used gcc before . . . gcc -V<version> will use whatever
> version you specify (if it's installed)

Oh, good point, didn't think of that... My mind was consumed by the word
"emulate". Man, it's going to rock when our simple dialogue launcher [1]
competes with gcc for command line parameter crack.

- Jeff

[1] Maybe Murray doesn't like the name because he doesn't grok the intended
ZEN of zenity...

-- 2004: Adelaide, Australia
    "It's not sufficient to 'use simple words to explain things'. Things
      must actually *be* simple, which is much harder." - Martin Pool

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