Re: New from Iain's hack factory

Iain, you are rocking out.  Thanks :]


iain wrote:
Its amazing what you can do with 10 minutes and a desire not to write YA
iTunes Clone...

Apply to gnome-session, don't think it matters if the previous
gnome-session patch has been applied.
Log out,
log back in
and log out again...

Log out times are slightly slower, but still faster than winXP on my

Although an arthritic snail would be faster than winXP on my laptop.

Oh yeah, should tell the viewers listening in on radio what it does
Instead of the black lines filling the screen
It gradually fades your desktop to greyscale



Index: logout.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gnome-session/gnome-session/logout.c,v
retrieving revision 1.44
diff -u -p -r1.44 logout.c
--- logout.c	15 Oct 2002 06:05:01 -0000	1.44
+++ logout.c	17 Feb 2003 19:03:53 -0000
@@ -54,63 +54,53 @@ static enum
 action = LOGOUT;
typedef struct {
-	GdkScreen    *screen;
-	int           monitor;
-	GdkRectangle  iris_rect;
-	GdkWindow    *root_window;
-	int           iris_block;
-	GdkGC        *iris_gc;
+  GdkScreen    *screen;
+  int           monitor;
+  GdkRectangle  iris_rect;
+  GdkWindow    *root_window;
+  GdkPixbuf    *back_pb, *dest;
+  int           iris_block;
+  int           percent;
+  GdkGC        *iris_gc;
 } IrisData;
static int num_iris_timeouts = 0; -static gint
-iris_callback (IrisData *data)
+static gboolean
+iris_callback (gpointer data)
-  gint i;
-  gint width_step;
-  gint height_step;
-  gint width;
-  gint height;
-  width_step = MIN (data->iris_rect.width / 2, data->iris_block);
-  height_step = MIN (data->iris_rect.width / 2, data->iris_block);
-  for (i = 0; i < MIN (width_step, height_step); i++)
-    {
-      width  = (gint)data->iris_rect.width  - 2 * i;
-      height = (gint)data->iris_rect.height - 2 * i;
+  IrisData *iris = data;
- if (width < 0 || height < 0)
-        break;
-      gdk_draw_rectangle (data->root_window, data->iris_gc, FALSE,
-                          data->iris_rect.x + i,
-			  data->iris_rect.y + i,
-                          width, height);
+  if (iris->percent < 0) {
+ + g_object_unref (iris->iris_gc);
+    g_object_unref (iris->back_pb);
+    g_object_unref (iris->dest);
+ + g_free (iris); + + if (!--num_iris_timeouts) {
+      gtk_main_quit ();
+ + return FALSE;
+  }
+ + gdk_pixbuf_saturate_and_pixelate (iris->back_pb, iris->dest,
+				    ((float) iris->percent) / 100.0, FALSE);
+  gdk_draw_pixbuf (iris->root_window, iris->iris_gc, iris->dest,
+		   0, 0, iris->iris_rect.x, iris->iris_rect.y,
+		   iris->iris_rect.width, iris->iris_rect.height,
+		   GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0);
gdk_flush ();
-  data->iris_rect.x += width_step;
-  data->iris_rect.y += height_step;
-  data->iris_rect.width -= MIN (data->iris_rect.width, data->iris_block * 2);
-  data->iris_rect.height -= MIN (data->iris_rect.height, data->iris_block * 2);
-  if (data->iris_rect.width == 0 || data->iris_rect.height == 0)
-    {
-      g_object_unref (data->iris_gc);
-      g_free (data);
-      if (!--num_iris_timeouts)
-        gtk_main_quit ();
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  else
-    return TRUE;
+ + iris->percent -= 30; + + return TRUE;
+ static void
 iris_on_screen (GdkScreen *screen,
 		int        monitor)
@@ -128,21 +118,23 @@ iris_on_screen (GdkScreen *screen,
   data->iris_rect.y = gsm_screen_get_y (screen, monitor);
   data->iris_rect.width = gsm_screen_get_width (screen, monitor);
   data->iris_rect.height = gsm_screen_get_height (screen, monitor);
+  data->percent = 90;
+ data->root_window = gdk_screen_get_root_window (screen);
-  values.line_style = GDK_LINE_ON_OFF_DASH;
+  data->back_pb = gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable (NULL, data->root_window,
+						NULL, data->iris_rect.x,
+						data->iris_rect.y,
+						0, 0, data->iris_rect.width,
+						data->iris_rect.height);
+  data->dest = gdk_pixbuf_copy (data->back_pb);
+ +/* values.line_style = GDK_LINE_ON_OFF_DASH; */
   values.subwindow_mode = GDK_INCLUDE_INFERIORS;
data->iris_gc = gdk_gc_new_with_values (data->root_window,
-  gdk_gc_set_dashes (data->iris_gc, 0, dash_list, 2);
-  /* Plan for a time of 0.5 seconds for effect */
-  data->iris_block = data->iris_rect.height / (500 / 20);
-  if (data->iris_block < 8)
-    data->iris_block = 8;
+/*   gdk_gc_set_dashes (data->iris_gc, 0, dash_list, 2); */
g_timeout_add (20, (GSourceFunc) iris_callback, data);

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