Re: Using Yelp for other documentation

Chris Chabot wrote:

On both sites not a lot of help can be found on how to generate books, but i found two python scripts in the source's /misc dir ( & I presume these are ment to convert standard gtk-doc -> html generated pages?

The XSL stylesheets in gtk-doc produce the devhelp file as a side effect of the DocBook -> HTML transformation. Neither html2funcs or html2xml are used.

Now what if the html pages are not generated by gtk-doc ? (judging by the format of the devhelp pages they are pretty much straight imports from gtk-doc output and index's were created around them)

devhelp displays the html produced by gtk-doc, yes.

Also, if it does display straight gtk-doc generated pages, how would one change the font for them? Would it be a smart idea to change gtk-doc to use a central style sheet that a config program could change? (default fonts look like *crap* if you pardon my french[1]) and i would hate to have to put up with that 8 hours a day. (I could be ignorant, and a central style sheet already exists, and i just don't know about it)

the gtk-doc style does not set the font, so it will end up using the web browser's default fonts. If they look bad, it isn't gtk-doc's problem :)

Anyways, if you guys could give me some pointers on how to shove PHP's 13 MB, 4000 .html files into devhelp, i'll gladly write some scripts to automate it, and contribute it back with the matching book to go

It would probably be best to work out how the 4000 html files are generated. Then see if you can get the program to generate a .devhelp file also. I can't say how easy this would be.


Email: james daa com au

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