Re: Seahorse re: 2.4 Proposed Modules

I might get spanked by Jacob, but here we go:

Am 05.05.2003 14:50 schrieb(en) Murray Cumming Comneon com:
OK, so seahorse is more about keys than encryption, but I would hope
new GNOME modules help people to achieve fairly specific tasks. At the
least, I wouldn't like to add an encyrption/signature key manager
until some
general encrypt-this/decrypt-this (likewise for signing) feature was

This is the decisive point I noticed so far. Seahorse indeed is a very specific application, a really good one I should add, I'm using it. You have to know too much about public key encryption and what uses you can get out of it. This discussion has proven it. Even people trying to explain the key-stuff made small mistakes. ;)

In my opinion it's not good to include it as a new gnome module. Being in 5th toe or optional as it is now is perfect. For example I hate KDE's behaviour to include everything possible into the core distribution... bad way to go.



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