Re: My (ongoing) analysis of the proposed modules


> I think it's good that gedit supports more advanced features; if it
> was just a super simple editor I just doubt we'd ever get enough
> hacking/testing on it because none of us would use it much.

I completely agree with Havoc. 
My goal is to add to gedit all the features I need for my day by day
work (i.e. mainly writing C and Java code and LaTeX documents). In this
way I will use it a lot and I will be able to improve its quality.
In fact, now that I have started to use it for my work, I'm seeing its
usability improving day by day (since I'm fixing all the little problems
I'm finding).

This does not mean that I will add a lot of new features, since the
current set of features satisfies all my needs.

You should try to write LaTeX documents with syntax highlighting and
automatic spell check :-) 

> If we can find a way to hide the more complex stuff by default (even
> if gedit-plugins is installed) then that's a plus. Something like
> Emacs's modes seems like a possible way.

I discussed this with snorp some time ago. We think it should be
possible to add a command line parameter to disable syntax highlighting
and all the plugins. 
In this way we could have a gnome-text-editor script that calls gedit
with the --I-want-a-simple-text-editor parameter.

What do you think?


Paolo Maggi                      E-mail: paolo DOT maggi AT polito DOT it
Dip. Automatica e Informatica    Tel.  : + 39 011 564 7078 
Politecnico di Torino            Fax   : + 39 011 564 7099

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