RE: gnome-utils 40% fat free

> From: Glynn Foster [mailto:glynn foster sun com] 
> > Ahem. They haven't actually been approved as new modules 
> yet. I see no
> > reason to think they won't be, but this isn't really fair 
> because the
> > discussion period is not over. I'm not asking for a revert though.
> I've seen nothing from the discussion to suggest that we 
> should wait any
> longer - the sooner they get included, the sooner people 
> start hammering
> on the code paths improving any issues that come up. It also 
> means less
> maintainance time for me.
> I'm not sure what you are expecting from the discussion period - a
> blessing from everyone on the list? because I'm not quite 
> sure we'll get
> that.

I'm not expecting more. But I expect the decision to be made when the
decision is made. The decision has not been made. Should people assume that
their modules are already in because it looks like they might be? Who knows
what will be said in the next week.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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