Re: Translators (Re: State of the X clipboard, andperhapsasolution)

No, I mean. How does this solve the problem in anyway at all.

If you run a clipboard daemon on ComputerA, and a program on ComputerB
copies an image, and then exits... you've lost the translator.

On Fri, 2004-04-23 at 11:43 -0700, Eugenia Loli-Queru wrote:
> > Because where does the translator run?
> > Say you are translating from FormatA to FormatB.
> > ProgramA is running on ComputerA, ProgramB is running on ComputerB.
> > ProgramA supports FormatA, ProgramB supports FormatB.
> > Where does the A->B translator live? ComputerA or ComputerB?
> I think you have a few things messed up. Translators are not (just) about
> exporting from one format to another. "Translator add-ons" (that's their
> proper BeOS name) is simply a library abstraction layer where it provides
> file format support for all applications in the system that support the
> format family in question. For example, a PSD translator will enable support
> for PSD files for all image-related applications in the system that support
> the Translator architecture. Translators are not (just) about exporting e.g.
> PNGs to PSDs or the other way around (of course this is what it can do too,
> but it's not in the core & their reason of existance).
> To directly answer your question:  Could be on either side, depending
> whether you use an output or an input translator (or one that supports both
> importing/exporting). Typically, there's a translator on either side,
> because very few applications work directly on file formats (on BeOS at
> least).
> Eugenia
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