Re: GNOME Lovers Needed: l10n work for locations database

On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 danilo gnome org wrote:

> Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 01:44:33 +0100
> From: danilo gnome org
> To: Alan Horkan <horkana maths tcd ie>
> Cc: GNOME I18N List <gnome-i18n gnome org>, gnome-love gnome org,
>      GNOME Desktop Development List <desktop-devel-list gnome org>,
>      gnome-utils-list gnome org
> Subject: Re: GNOME Lovers Needed: l10n work for locations database
> Hi Alan,
> Yesterday at 21:50, Alan Horkan wrote:
> > Ideally translators should use standard grammar common to both if at
> > all possible.
> Are you talking about translators or programmers here?

Well ideally programmers would use standard English common to British and
American but in reality that doesn't always happen so I would hope that
translators would try to fix the originals where possible (programmers,
trust the translators) rather than creating unnecessary localisations.

That you need to ask should serve as evidence of what a bad idea it was to
crosspost to four lists.

> It seems that you're barking up the wrong tree while having a bogus
> argument, and I'd hardly call that awesome! ;-)


"Two nations diveded by a common langauge"

- Alan

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