Re: Proposed: cantus

A Ter, 2004-07-20 às 00:57, Eugenia Loli-Queru escreveu:
> >cantus uses sigc++ and all the *mm stack, so if we add it to the
> >desktop we should need to add the entire C++ bindings to it.
> If the Gnome desktop really needs a tag editor, there are two more
> alternatives that the gnome maintainers could discuss bringing in:
> gTag
> and
> MusicBox
> Apparently their only external dependency is "taglib".

  What we _really_ need is a GNOME version of the windows/osx
musicbrainz tagger:

  I've seen it working in Windows. This thing is amazing because it
discovers the tags automatically through audio fingerprinting.  It can
make a few mistakes, and when it is not sure it just asks the user to
select among a few alternatives.  Now, this is what I call a mass
tagger.  Cantus (or the others discussed) doesn't yet fulfill the full
potential of a tagger application.

  There's a Qt based program like that, already:

Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
<gjc inescporto pt> <gustavo users sourceforge net>
The universe is always one step beyond logic

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