Re: How we make decisions... [Fwd: Re: Proposal: replacing esound with polypaudio in 2.10]

<quote who="Sri Ramkrishna">

> I prefer to make decision making as simple as we can.  The easier the
> better.

Decision making in GNOME is relatively straight-forward in most cases. If it
is a decision local to a particular module, that module maintainer makes the
call, often based on input from other stake-holders.

If it's a module selection decision, the release team attempts to summarise
the consensus of the community, if it exists, and usually gives a bit more
weight to maintainer opinions. Lack of consensus results in no decision
being made (see early browser discussions).

The polypaudio decision is an interesting one, because it's a proposal to
replace a contentious Platform module, and there are a lot of opinions about
how this should be done. It's not a decision we could make lightly, and we
definitely shouldn't overlook informed comments on robustness, security,
fit for purpose [1], etc.

- Jeff

[1] ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. oh man.

-- 2005: Canberra, Australia      
       "Having strings in a language seems to be a case of premature
                        optimization." - Paul Graham

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