Re: Menubar (and Empty Default Desktop) Proposals for GNOME 2.10

<quote who="Jeff Waugh">

> Throwing another random option for the menu layout:
>   [Foot]  Applications  Places
> Which is very Mac. Some will say that the logo isn't discoverable and/or
> provides no affordance for the items within, but... These are top level
> items. Anyone with half a brain will clicky-clicky and learn what's going
> on. The learnability is not bad.

This is a good idea. Apple's latest developer seeds of Tiger have the
Apple menu in the same location as our 'Foot' menu, but they've
highlighted the menu by making it twice as wide as the Apple icon itself
and giving it a coloured background.


This might work for the window-selector applet as well - make it wider
and highlight it. Both of these menus should be nice, big targets -
users shouldn't have to parse text to figure out where their apps are.

I think this change would be a great way to reduce wordiness in the Menu
Bar applet.

Gabriel Bauman <gabe bravenet com>

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