Re: Regarding a new default theme

Ter, 2004-09-14 às 14:16 -0700, Eugenia Loli-Queru escreveu: 
> > This theme looks very complicated to implement in code.
> If we want a modern theme for Gnome, it will have to be somewhat 
> complicated. Half-an-hour efforts won't yield any major "wows" regarding how 

  Slow themes will not yield any major "wows" either, I assure you.

> the unix desktop looks to new users. Besides, I already suggested that this 
> theme should be half pixmap and half with an engine. Depends what buys you 
> more speed/eyecandy in each case/widget.

  I have a nasty habit of commenting without reading the full
threads.  :-P

  Still, I think we should avoid the pixmap engine at all costs, even if
it's just for a few widgets.  Perhaps we can simplify the look a bit in
order to simplify the code.  In particular, the active tabs  and
scrollbar arrows look too complicated.  And I already mentioned the AA
lines.  If we can get simplify those features, the theme will be easier
to implement.  SmoothGNOME (or Glider, can't recall if it was renamed or
not) is a good starting point.  It already has gradients, but your
mockup demands gradients that are uncentered and only occupy part of the
widget area.  Also, combining round corners with gradients requires more
code changes...

> > But I forgive you
> > because you're not a programmer :-)
> I am not a GTK+ programmer per se, if that's what you mean. Also, I don't do 
> C anymore (C# and .NET is my thing nowdays (yes, I am looking at Mono too 
> ;-), with an unfortunate downgrade to PHP daily, because of OSNews). But, 
> the real problem is, there is no real documentation on how to implement a 
> theme from A to Z, you have to dive into Bluecurve's and GTK+'s code to get 
> anything done as complicated as Butter.

  Oh, you are a programmer.  I apologize.


Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
<gjc inescporto pt> <gustavo users sourceforge net>
The universe is always one step beyond logic

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