Re: GtkFileChooser extensions

On Thu, 2004-09-23 at 01:29 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Federico Mena Quintero">
> > I've been working on a specification for an extension mechanism for
> > GtkFileChooser.  Global searching, lock-down, and metadata systems would
> > benefit from being able to extend what GtkFileChooser can do.
> Could someone write a FileChooser extension to add a tab-complete file entry
> box, so those who want it can stop complaining? :-)

This file chooser conversation has gone on far too long.  If the user
really knows the file that must be opened, then type it into location
dialog to open it or into search to see the file(s) that match, and open

This is a file chooser, the user is picking the file from the folders on
his desktop.  It lists the files it find in folders.  Regular users
don't have deep folders so they do not need path completion.  I doubt
the average user truly, needs a file chooser, we could teach the user to
use Nautilus (my own habit).  Honestly, desktop computing is a lot
simpler without file choosers, project/file sidebars, file save dialogs.
Nautilus does all of that.

For users who understand paths and know the file they wish to open, they
can use open from location.  As for just locating a file and I don't
want to look for it, I use search (I use Medusa actually, but that is
beside the point).  When the user is looking for a single document type,
the app should show a list of all files of the type that the user can
narrow down.


__C U R T I S  C.  H O V E Y____________________
sinzui cox net
Guilty of stealing everything I am.

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