Re: The State of (in)Consistency of Save Confirmation Dialogs

Markus Bertheau ☭ wrote:

В Чтв, 27/01/2005 в 21:31 -0600, Federico Mena Quintero пишет:
On Thu, 2005-01-27 at 23:47 +0100, Markus Bertheau wrote:

Can't we just have the applications choose a sensible name and place for
the file and save it without asking?
That would be the desired behavior if all apps followed the model of
"you don't have to explicitly save your stuff".  But most apps these
days follow a model where the user must explicitly save his files.

I understand that it would be better if all apps did not expose the
implementation model of hard disk vs. RAM, but I don't understand why
the behaviour described above should not be appropriate for the
currently used model. Can you detail on this?
"hard disk vs. RAM,"?! But no, that is not the model most people have in mind at all! I think people tend to think of Save more like "I'm confident I want to keep what I have written so far. Save it", also reminds me of "database transaction commit". People like being able to do modifications to a document and not save them if they think they're going in the wrong direction. If the program automatically saved everything, you would lose freedom to revert to last saved version.

 And, no, undo helps but doesn't replace revert.


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