Re: [bug-buddy]: Custom scripts for your application

Shaun McCance wrote:
I think most (non-hacker) users will look at a stack trace and not
even bother trying to figure out where their personal information
might be inside it.  Maybe adding a find dialog/bar would make them
a bit more likely to do so ("Does it say in here
anywhere?"), but I doubt it would make much of a difference.

PS. Just for reference, people *do* leak private data onto bugzilla regardless.

Maybe we should find a way to make files submitted from Bug Buddy
private.  A trusted few would have access to them.  We'd have some
nice interface for reviewing submitted files, and the trusted few
could look through them for anything that looks, well, bad.  If a
file is clean, it gets marked public.  Otherwise, it is completely
deleted from the server.

I sort-of agree with all of that [1]. However, my argument is that the situation is no different for stacktraces and for custom scripts.


[1] I don't think we have the manpower to screen every trace that comes in, although automatic dup finding does mean it's now more plausible than it used to be. However, I agree with the sentiment :-)

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