Re: Getting to Topaz (Was Re: getting on a longer release cycled)

On Tue, 2006-09-12 at 00:33 +0400, Maxim Udushlivy wrote:
> Havoc Pennington wrote:
> > I think the best shot at this would be to gather a small group that 
> > agrees on some audience they want to try and do stuff for, and just 
> > start doing it; I'm not sure how the overall GNOME boat can be turned up 
> > front, it's probably not possible. The small group would have to be 
> > prepared for potentially large divergence from the existing 
> > gnome-panel/nautilus/etc. desktop codebase - they would need to be open 
> > to doing very different things either instead or in addition, if that 
> > made sense to provide the benefits to the audience.
> >   
> "...gather a small group" - this reminds the infamous lack-of-leadership 
> Gnome problem (at least from the outsider perspective)
> I was once lurking around and there was an interesting 
> accident. One guy said about Israel that "it is evil" and another (Jeff 
> Waugh?) was trying to moderate him.

I'm going off-topic for the list, but I don't want any
misinformation to spread.  I don't remember who it was
that wanted political opinion silenced on the planet,
but it absolutely was not Jeff.  The whole idea of the
blog aggregator (and it was pretty much all his idea)
is to let people see the personal lives of the people
who make Gnome work.


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