Re: Multiple sessions for the same user?

Yeah, that's a good question and I'm not sure why not.  I think most of
us have a single person per computer but I can see where you have one
person logged in via FUSA and one reboots while the other person has
some spreadsheet or something he hasn't run yet. I'm not sure how one
would handle that situation unless there is a quorum that each person
will give their okay to reboot the machine. (which can be pretty
annoying if it's your box)


On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 18:47 +0100, Piotr Gaczkowski wrote:
> Dnia 15-12-2007, So o godzinie 00:53 +0000, Stef Walter pisze:
> > This may be a dumb question, but I'm wondering if we support (or it is a
> > goal to support) multiple sessions for the same user in GNOME.
> > 
> > As far as I can tell a lot of GNOME software doesn't currently take that
> > into account. I'm working on gnome-keyring-daemon, and I'm wondering if
> > I need to keep multiple sessions in mind or just take the much simpler
> > approach of one session per user.
> Why we are at it I would like to ask a related question. Why GNOME (at
> least on Ubuntu) doesn't pay attention to who's logged in while doing
> reboot/shutdown? I sometimes have a situation when I need to shutdown
> and accidentally break somebody else's work, because he was also logged
> in.
> A simple dialog with: "Another person (name) is logged in. Are you really sure you want to shutdown and cause pain to the person?" would probably suffice.
> Cheers,
> Piotr Gaczkowski
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