minimal required version of GTK for GNOME 2.18


is there a minimum required GTK+2.0 version that modules in svn trunk
should depend on? I could only find the external dependency list in the
wiki but that does not mention gtk. The modules in svn are not exactly the same as the ones that are part of 2.18 but still. Are there still cases when GTK 2.4 is targetted? Some that require 2.4 only are not part of the desktop (eggcups, gnome-cups-manager), network-manager-applet has no versioned dependency but uses a version check against 2.4 in the code, gnome-games does the same even if it requires on 2.8.

Grepping the modules I have checked out locally shows very diverse


Looking for ifdefs in the sources yields similar results

./eggcups/ec-tray-icon.c:#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,6,0)
./gnome-games/dependencies/ggz-gtk/xtext.c:#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,4,0)
./gnome-utils/baobab/src/baobab-graphwin.c:#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,8,0)
./libgnomeui/libgnomeui/gnome-popup-menu.c:#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(1,2,1)
./network-manager-applet/src/applet.c:#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2, 11, 0)
./network-manager-applet/src/applet.c:#if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,6,0)
./network-manager-applet/src/applet.c:#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 6, 0)
./network-manager-applet/src/menu-items.c:#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,6,0)
./vino/server/vino-status-icon.c:#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 11, 0)

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