Re: External Deps: Minimal Python dependency

Olav Vitters schrieb:
On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 05:56:27PM +0200, Sebastian Pölsterl wrote:
As mentioned in [1] sqlite is a blessed external dependency now. I want to use sqlite for Deskbar-Applet, too. Because, Python 2.5 has a built-in sqlite module I suggest increasing the minimal version to 2.5 from currently 2.4.3 . Of course, Python 2.5 has more benefits [2].
What distributions have Python 2.5 and what has changed since the last
time this came up? I know RHEL5 (buildbot) has 2.4 and it is not just a
matter of building Python within jhbuild (breaks badly with x86_64).

I wasn't around when this came up last time. Could you point me to the thread?
Sebastian Pölsterl

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