Re: Proposed external dep: PolicyKit

Just as a quick note, Jason's problem is completly a debian unstable packaging issue, as far as I can tell.
Jason, as I said to you earlier, talk to the debian HAL package 
maintainer. There is no PolicyKit or HAL problem here other than you 
failed to find documentation to help with your weird packaging-induced 
corner case.

David Zeuthen wrote:

(adjusting Cc list)

(Polite request: please avoid sending HTML mail)

On Mon, 2008-07-21 at 22:34 -0500, Jason D. Clinton wrote:
On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 1:47 PM, David Zeuthen <david fubar dk> wrote:
        On Fri, 2008-06-20 at 15:57 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
        > Going off topic a bit: It would be really nice if PolicyKit
        had a proper
        > web page and mailing list. It's too important for
        information on it to
        > be so fragmented.
Right. I'm actually going to try and fix this (dedicated
        mailing list
        and website); stay tuned.
JFYI there is now

and has been for some time. There's been a bugzilla on fd.o for a long

I am tracking relatively unstable development repositories. As a
result, I have hal 0.5.11 installed which appears to
have--undocumentedly--suddenly required PackageKit as a hard
dependency. For example, removable storage mounting no longer works if
PK is not installed due to the way that the default dbus fdi rule is
News to me, it's still optional according to the NEWS file;a=blob;h=9dadda7da29d4c18dff6e71d343cd5eb69561c56;hb=95bd4f1bf9a62f1551461841d64f6f1cdea6a92e;f=NEWS

Did you file a bug or complain on the hal mailing list? This mailing
list is not the right place to complain about it anyway.

Aside from the hal harddep problem, it appears that PK is sorely,
sorely missing its documentation. For example, having this new
dependency thrust upon me would have been fine if things
like /usr/share/doc/policykit-gnome/README didn't contain:

TODO: write me

If RH is going to thrust PK on us, please, please, please provide some
kind of documentation (not an API reference). When things don't work
(as they aren't now and were previously) I have absolutely no idea
what's wrong, where to look or who to blame. Most importantly, I
wanted to file a bug but couldn't even manage that with the spectular
lack of information out there.
There's this
 (and this is even an older snapshot of what comes out of the tarballs)

which is much more than API reference etc. Did you even read it?

FWIW, all the distros and even advanced users with "building from
scratch with weird configuration permutation" like you have not
whined/complained in the same way I'm seeing here. For them PolicyKit
just works and adds value. Hell, some KDE people wrote their own
Authentication Agent that uses Qt and KDE. So it's not like it's a huge
mystery what PolicyKit-gnome does. If you're not able to figure it out
given the code and existing docs then you probably never will. Anyway.

(Even users from some of the historical problematic distros like
Slackware (as in usually outdated libc headers, no PAM etc.) can make
this work for them.)

So maybe you just haven't tried hard enough. In other words, I believe
it's more of a you-problem, than a PolicyKit problem. Either way, this
thread / mailing list is not the right place to ask for help, use the
polkit mailing list. Also send patches if you think the existing docs
are not good enough; some of the docs could surely use some improvement.
After all, this is open source and all, no one promised you a pony etc.

Luckilly, Rob Taylor was gracious enough to point me in the right
direction from what he has in his own memory. Alas, correcting for an
obvious packaging error hasn't solved to problem so I'm stuck again.
I'm sure others would not be even this fortunate...
I'm sure others would have used the appropriate forum, not some random
thread on a somewhat unrelated GNOME mailing list, and they would have
gotten the help they needed. I'm also sure they would have been precise
about what was wrong instead of just whining.

(And, while we're at it, here's some more advice: please cut the
company-bashing ("If RH is going to thrust PK on us...") and drama. It's
really off-putting and it makes it hard to take you seriously.)

Good luck,

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Rob Taylor, Codethink Ltd. -

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