Re: External dependencies, DeviceKit-power and GNOME Power Manager

Luis Medinas wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-11-25 at 15:25 +0000, Richard Hughes wrote:
>> On Tue, 2008-11-25 at 14:45 +0000, Luis Medinas wrote:
>>> Not to mention just like Consolekit it requires some tweaking to work
>>> on Linux distros. From what i remember lot's of distros like Debian
>>> and Gentoo required some changes on HAL to get it working. Someone
>>> from Gentoo please correct me but Consolekit isn't still working on
>>> Gentoo.
>>> So i would appreciate that these new projects get more feedback from
>>> distributors and other OS like FreeBSD and Solaris. 
>> Right, but I need more than feedback from gentoo, FreeBSD and Solaris
>> for these project, we need _code_. The days of easily being able to run
>> a desktop GNOME instance without PackageKit, ConsoleKit, PolicyKit or
>> DeviceKit are numbered, and it's important the people "doing something
>> different" know that.
> PackageKit isn't still a problem for most distros or FreeBSD and Solaris
> but Consolekit and Policykit is because it was heavily pushed to GNOME
> without it's been supported by those distributors (same for hal a few
> years ago) it's important to keep GNOME sane to run in most of
> distributions or OS. Packagers have better things to do than porting
> this stuff to their platforms.

While it's refreshing for someone other than me to say this ;-), I have
to admit that getting HAL working on FreeBSD was a good thing.  I look
forward to the better API promised by DK.

However, unlike Solaris (or maybe Solaris is in the same boat right now)
the FreeBSD GNOME project doesn't have a lot of resources.  Right now,
there are four of us that work on porting everything from Glib to Gecko
to FreeBSD.  We've prided ourselves on staying as up-to-date as possible
with GNOME.  However, when something very OS-specific comes out, it
always takes us a while to get in sync since not all four of us know C,
python, etc.

At some point, we will catch up.  However, it would be better if we
could have a transition period where both the new and legacy
technologies work together to allow us to stay current, and give us the
extra time to port the new modules.


Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team	::	gnome FreeBSD org
FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome

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