Re: Suggestions for a software engineering class project?


I would recommend looking into GNOME accessibility.  I would think it
might be especially rewarding to work on a project that is geared
towards a humanitarian effort, such as helping people with disabilities
use technology.  There are some suggestions of tasks that need
attention on the website.

Also the gnome-accessibility-list would be a good place to discuss
further if you want additional suggestions that best fit your program.


Hello everybody,

I am an undergraduate computer science student at The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.

My software engineering class is looking for an open source project we can work on as a semester project.

This software development project will need to be something that a team of ~4 students, working ~10 hours a week, can accomplish in ~2 months.

The project can include developing a new application or adding substantial functionality to an existing open source application/project.

Ideally programming will be done with some kind of modern-ish language (C#, Python, Vala) but any programming language would be fine.

Does anybody have any suggestions for a project (GNOME or otherwise) that we could work on?

Thank you in advance for any suggestions/advice.

Marshall Scorcio

scorcm43 at uwosh dot edu

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