Re: Module Proposal: Zeitgeist

On Fri, 2010-04-23 at 18:59 -0400, Owen Taylor wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-04-23 at 16:52 -0400, Curtis Hovey wrote:
> > I think Launchpad + BZR and GNOME + git can interoperate fine.
> > 
> > I think you can:
> > * use bzr-git to push your Launchpad trunk to GNOME git
> > * setup an import of the git branch and make it trunk
> > * Use launchpad for development, translations, and reviews
> > * Use bzr-git to commit your approved branches to GNOME git.
> I think the question is, is this OK for a GNOME module? 
> The main point of requiring use of GNOME infrastructure for GNOME
> modules, as I see it, is that anybody in the GNOME community can
> immediately jump in, start helping out, and start contributing to the
> module. And also, that people working on your module can seamlessly move
> over to working on other parts of GNOME. It's being part of the GNOME
> community.
> If the Zeitgeist community is centered around Launchpad and bzr and
> wants changes submitted as launchpad branches, but it happens that you
> can check it out of GNOME git, that's not being part of the GNOME
> community.

I think we are talking about slightly different issues here. I agreed
that gnome projects should use as their master, and that
contributors may use git to do their development.

My suggestion is to support the Zeitgeist's community's culture of code
reviews. GNOME does not have an official code review tool. Neither does
GitHub, which is why projects that host in GitHub also use Launchpad for
code reviews.

A contributor will contact the Zeitgeist's developers when he has a
branch he wants to merge. I assume this works much like it does for most
GNOME projects, via email or comment on a bug. The core developers can
submit the proposed merge to launchpad. The core developers are
responsible for doing merges (which is the case for more projects). If a
contributors has an OpenID, he could submit merge proposal himself
through, but he would have to have prior experience to know this. This
is not really different from any other GNOME project that has its own
culture of how to propose a merge.

> (A secondary point is definitely being part of our translation
> infrastructure so that the translators can make sure that GNOME is
> properly translated into their languages without having to join and
> participate in some different translation community.)

Launchpad is not a final solution to translations. It merely lowers the
barrier for translators to participate. Translations can and will
continue though direct commits to the master branch in

The project can enable series syncing in Launchpad so that latest
templates and messages (Actually, the development series already is
setup) The Zeitgeist can designate a branch automatically the updated po
dir that can me merged into using git or bzr (and all the
history is preserved)

PS. I think part of the misconception here is that many people think of
Launchpad as a project hosting services. It is more like a community
hosting services because no one has total ownership of a project. The
Ubuntu community use the project for source package tracking and
translations. The project name is place where communities collaborate.


__C U R T I S  C.  H O V E Y_______
Guilty of stealing everything I am.

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