Re: systemd as external dependency

Le jeudi 19 mai 2011 à 12:00 +0200, Olav Vitters a écrit :
> So my conclusion is that it is better to suggest something
> else. 

Well "using a ppa known to be a work in progress one" != "using Ubuntu",
we didn't upgrade to GNOME3 because we didn't think we would do a solid
work to integrate it on the schedule we had. The ppa is known to be
experimental, from
can read:

"This package contains packages from GNOME3 and their dependencies so
they can be used in Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty). This PPA is EXPERIMENTAL and
MAY BREAK YOUR SYSTEM. There is no downgrade process."

It's fair that you don't recommend an unstable ppa but Ubuntu itself is
shipping GNOME 2.32 and there is no reason it should create any issue
users. Would you not recommend using Debian because GNOME3 is in
experimental and using experimental might lead to some issues? Seems
your statement there is just not a fair one.

Sebastien Bacher

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