Re: Mirroring GNOME on github

On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 1:51 PM, John Stowers <john stowers gmail com> wrote:
> Would such a hypothetical contributor have bothered giving me the
> laborious opportunity to reject his contribution if I had asked him to
> go through bz first anyway?
> If a contributor already has a github account, and a local git branch,
> I can't honestly say that the most efficient way for him to contact me
> is to install git-bz, magic it, set up a bz account, and magic the
> diff into bugzilla. The magic is technically cool, I love git-bz, but
> we are too inside the bubble to see that this is fcrazy for a moderate
> newcomer (hello GSOC/GWOP)!

One of the modules that I develop (gnome-shell) has very strict code
review policies. If we want a paper trail of reviews, the typical
thing to do is to link to a Bugzilla bug in the commit message, which
has patch review comments.

How does that fit into our GitHub flow? Do I review a pull request,
and link to it in the commit message? Again, that means that our
workflow now depends on GitHub.

> John


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