Re: Gnome platform overview

>>> No "gnome-online-account", "zapojit", "libgdata" appear.
>>> I thought that I would find these in platform overview since they are 
>>> both part of the core gnome user experience and documented API.
> [...]
> To the original question: we have always had the problem of deciding
> what goes into the PO. Is it the core, stable libraries? Everything
> we use anywhere? Do we include non-GObject stuff that we nonetheless
> heavily use?

Exactly. Moreover, it is not clear to me if we want 3rd parties to use GOA
or not. While it would give better integration with the platform (ie. GNOME)
if they do, there are concerns about diluting the GNOME brand.

> I'd never heard of zapojit before now. Is this something
> we expect a lot of developers to use?

The answer to that is the same as the answer for libgdata, with the exception
that libzapojit is not meant to be API/ABI stable yet. After all it is 2 weeks
old. :-)

> (First hit when I search online is the reference manual on developer.
> That's good. The first screenful on that page doesn't tell me what to
> use zapojit for. It tells me about its license. That's not good.)

Scroll down a bit and it becomes pretty clear, but yes, you are right. It
can be improved.

Happy hacking,

There are two hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation, naming
things and off-by-one errors.

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