Re: Feature proposal: combined system status menu

On Mon, 2013-04-22 at 16:01 +0200, Frederic Crozat wrote:
2013/4/22 Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net>:
I also think that we'll need to have more applications, and "desktop
daemons" making use of GNetworkMonitor to check whether they have access
to the Internet before trying to access resources.
Yes, but as always, we can't control everything users are running on
their desktop.
Certainly, but this kernel feature should be able to tell us which
application requested network access without checking for its presence,
and it's a fair feature request to ensure that network resources aren't
accessed if the network isn't available.

This is especially important for applications that run without a UI, or
access the network without user interaction. There's a few in GNOME
itself, I'm not sure there's that many third-party daemons of the sort
in a typical GNOME desktop.

Allan, do we have recommendations for application and OS developers on
how to handle network availability?

This would be a great first bug fix for a number of contributors, though
I doubt that a "GNOME Goal" would catch all the instances.

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