> I think your suggestion of a "feature" branch can be a worthy compromise, though.Except that Bastien is right - while on a branch, a feature will
hardly be tested by anyone than other core developers of the same
module. It's unfortunate, but "real" users generally only get to test
a new feature once it appears in their distro (read: some time after
the feature appears in a stable GNOME release).
So a branch would either
 - be a polite way of rejecting a feature outright - as it doesn't get
any user testing, it is never
  considered ready and punted from release to release
 - land late in the cycle when the few "users" (read: gnome-shell
hackers) that have tested it
  consider it good enough to let loose on unsuspecting users
At least until we get a better testing infrastructure in place, the
only way to get at least *some* user testing is including it in a
development release as early as possible (but only after being
relatively sure that it won't kill any kittens) to get some minimal
exposure to adventurous users of unstable/experimental distributions
(and fellow gnomies running jhbuild sessions of course). It's far from
ideal, but in contrast to artificially holding back the feature, we'd
get at least some feedback (and a fair chance to address issues before
it hits a stable release).
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