The bunch of examples

I will keep this short! Not. I tried but failed! So please pick what
you are interested in. And don't take it personal. I can only apologize
for my own unfair and unpolite behaviour.

// nautilus - create empty file
Every file-browser does manage files, this includes the creation of
"empty files", not only "empty directories". This function was removed
with "3.6". Nautilus doens't fullfill the basic requirement of a
file-browser. This is wrong!
Instead users are forced to use the XDG-Directory "Templates" to create
a template for an empty file. But that is not possible, because for this
you need to create an empty file. This is weird!

Bug reports:
Create an empty file "main.cpp", which can be double-clicked and edited
within Gedit with propper syntax-hightlighting.
Proposal: "Create empty file" should just be available, where "New
Folder" is available.

// nautilus - type-ahead-find
Common file-browsers offers the ability to use "type-ahead-find". Just
type the file-name you want and it will be selected instantly from the
current directory. Not shortcut required. It "finds" files, it doesn't
search (no disk i/o, no database).  Type-Ahead-Find was even better
implemented in Nautilus than in Microsofts Explorer! Because you got a
box at right bottom were you see what you have typed. I also wondered
over years why this features did't worked reliable in Explorer, but in
Nautilus. Until sb. told me, that in Explorer a user have to type the
letters without a pause. The current search is stressful for the eyes,
file-icons "flicker" and dis(appearing) of icons.

Bug reports:

Browser your files with "gtk-file-chooser". Type-Ahead-Find wasn't removed
from there!
Proposal: Bring back type-ahead-find and start the new search with "Ctrl
+F". It is, what every user expects.

Comment 17 from the first bug report:
True. Should we file a bug to report the fact that this essential
feature is
now broken?

Sadly this and the example above caused already forks, like Nemo and
Ubuntus decision to stay at Nautilus "3.4". Okay, I peculated split-pane.

// settings - suspend when lid closed
Most laptops go to Suspend-To-RAM (STR) when the LID is closed.
But a lot of users doesn't want this. While they want just protect the
screen and keyboard from dust, while the computer should still run (e.g.
compile something). Or while the want move to the next room with the
laptop, but don't want lost the wifi-connection (e.g xmpp, irc,
download...). Or while suspend and resume are not reliable.

Bug reports (?): # funny, but
not a fix
Please search for this option in dconf! It's also gone! It followed the
typical "GNOME-Lifecycle": Removed from UI, broken in DCONF with
subsequent release (here 3.6), removed from GNOME entirely
A smart and logical grouping of options doesn't confuse but allows for
access to the important settings. The current ui already offers a good
solution. See the screenshot!
Logical grouping of options is the best solution! But I want to note
that a "Default-Button", "Advanced-Button" or a "Wrench-Menu" also
offers solutions. A novice users knows that "Advanced" is not a place
for him/her and "Default" could clean up the mess.

The rooted objections by the users doesn't changed the mind of the
developers, as can be seen on the links above.

The option for deciding what happens on LID-Close is relevant and this is
way it caused so much sadness on both sides. The aim to support new types
of devices should never be the reason to
restrict general usage. GNOME is only used on Desktop and Laptops, it is
not delivered on any tablet out-of-the-box and netbooks are already a
thing of
the past.
Moreover GNOME is not identified with a device. A computer is not an
applicane, like an iPhone.
Users are humans and are able to make decisions, it is their right to make
own decisions! There
are serveral obvious ways to suspend a computer and it is not necessary to
change the
configuration every time:

* Fn+F1-12 key for Suspend-To-RAM
* Command "systemctl suspend" or "pm-suspend" or a shell alias
* Item from the user-menu (hidden by default, press "Alt")
* After some idle time

Smart and important settings will not overwhelm users. If an user
obstrains from the decision,
the default will match. The "settings kill kittens"-argument is wrong. It
is possible that too many settings "frighten" kittens. Not offering the
important settings is
*killing* users!

At least it is very simple to point to others programs and daemons and
saying they do it wrong. Maybe GNOME is wrong? And even if GNOME is right,
sometimes it's
better to be smart than right.

// settings - background/wallpaper
The old dialog from 3.0 for wallpapers was removed. The new one force
the user to click on the current wallpaper and then offers some default
wallpapers, the screenshots from the ~ or ~/Pictures and some colors. It
removed the and obvious gtk-file-chooser dialog "Open" to add and
picture from a random location. It removed the options to
Zoom,Tile orStretch the picture, to make it fit. It stores the picture in
~/Pictures even it it the directory doesn't exist, because it was

Bug reports: to lazy
Screenshots: # why the users have to click on this? # why the users can't add a picture on
their own with file-chooser? why the users can't make the image fit
the screen, just think of 4:3, 16:9, 16:10, 21:9... # why are all the required options only
there? this also prevents creation of "~/Pictures"! # original design of GNOME 3.0 at
bottom-right, by Allan Day (looks nice, works, obvious)
Delete the directory "Pictures", if you don't need it. My directory for
images is is "~/pictures", because I prefer lowercase letters for
directories (convention on UNIX). Open the
background-settings and drag(!) an image into it, which doesn't fit
perfectly to your screen. The directory "~/Pictures" is created and the
image get copied into it. You will be not able to make it fit without
Don't created "~/Pictures", store the background-image into an
dot-directory. Like it was done  before? Modifiying or
creating files in user-visible diretories is a bad idea. Add the "Open"
or "Add"-Button, it is hard to guess that drag&drop works. Add the
option to fit the image to screen. Remove the unnecessary step to "enter
the image settings" by clicking on the current background. Basically,
made it like it was before.

// XDG-Directories
GNOME creates a first-login the so-called XDG-Directories. Nice for
novice users! They just get in my way, so I delete them. That is really
okay. I just prefer other names (lowercase letters only in UNIX-fashion)
or doesn't use them at all. The problem is that GNOME 3.4 started to
rely on the existance of this directories and re-creates them!

"gnome-screenshot" tried to save screenshots "~/Pictures" in release
3.4, if "Pictures" doesn't exist it failed silently, but played the
shutter-sound and flashed the screen. This was fixed with 3.6, which
falls-back to "~".
The background-dialog re-creates "~/Pictures" and store the images
there, instead of using a hiddend directory like ".config",".cache" or
".gnome" or what contained stuff like that in the past.
And finally GNOME still creates "~/Desktop". And it re-created this also
sometimes! GNOME 3.0 removed the concept of a "Desktop" and finally
removed everything related with "3.8" but this directory gets created
Don't rely *hard* on the XDG-Stuff. Please offer it! But don't enforce

// eog
I always use Geeqie for viewing pictures. Mainly because EOG doesn't
display thumbnails in a vertical-sidebar, only horizontal. Also it
doesn't show the sidebar if no image is opened.
God damn! After ten years I found out the the option for vertical
thumbnails is hidden in dconf! Argh! Please, offer this kind of options
in the application UI. Also an UI should just show the thumbnails if no
image is selected, it just present what is in the current working-dir
(even if this is nothing). So the user has not to guess whether
thumnails are active and the UI is more "silent".

Fun fact: I know about one well know designer of GNOME, who doesn't like
horizontal scrolling.

// the removal of tabs
Of the last two years it has become a running-gag of mine, that GNOME
will remove tabs. From? Whatever! Tabs are the killer-feature of the
last decade and are used by text-editors, terminals, file- and
web-browsers! The tabs increased usability everywhere a lot of.
Mainly Windows-Explorer can't compete with any file-browser on Linux,
because the Explorer doesn't allow to use tabs! But this story is not
about Nautilus, it is about Epipany.

Epiphany feels much better with the last releases. Yep, the
application feels better and has become also faster! I think this is
the result of WebKit2 and the hard work of the developers of Epiphany!
Thank you! But this make me worried:

You want remove tabs for this? Really?
Please spell this loud :-)
"I will not remove important features. If I think I have a better
approach, I will *add* it but not *remove* something important!"

Tabs allow for instant switching with keyboard and mouse, while the user
can see what content is open in the other tabs. The approch from the
link above doesn't allow for both of this, is just makes much clicking
and searching necessary for the right thumbnail. Moreover it will not
fix the problem with "many open websites". A user will just have to search
for the thumbnail and maybe even scroll vertical for it. Honestly I
don't see the problem with many open websites. Many are many.
I prefer opening a second browser-window (or another browser) in case of
to many open tabs and colleting the releated tabs in the windows, e.g.
one for coding, one for entertainment and so on. And bookmarks also help.
Add this new approch if desired! Really! As option in addition to tabs!
Moreover take a look at the sidebar of Midori, it allows for opening
tabs, cookies and so on. Also the sidebar-approch allows for displaying
thumbnails in the sidebar of open tabs, much like a image-viewer does!
I've think I have seen this on already within Firefox for Android (not

// gnome-shell (new application launcher)
The keyboard-usage is awesome! But the mouse-usage has become worse with
"3.8". In former release we can use two button for "Overview" and
"Applications" at top-left corner, just missing "Zeitgeist" which was
not implemented. So an "Android-Style" icon was added to the dash. It is
not moveable and sits at the bottom. Also "Applications"
offers by default "Recent" not "All". But the icon indicates "All" and
this is what user expects anyway. The more recent applications will be
placed (in most cases) in the dash or executed with the keyboard. Also
"recent" could be empty - and it is on a fresh install.
Moreover the design seems to hide by default some important applications
in "sub-entries". This remembers on the bad behaviour of Windows-XP
which hides applications or menu-entries, which are less used. Why is
"gnome-terminal" less important than "sudoku". Why is "EOG" less
important than "Photos"?


I marked the typicall mouse-way, it is a wide journey.
Make the "Applications" icon moveable, like all icons on the dash. Open
by default, not "Recent". Place the buttons for both at top-left of the
screen. Don't hidde some applications for no obvious reason.

// fonts
GNOME 3.2 offers an fancy new fonts-chooser. But we can't change the fonts
the user-settings. Why users are not allowed to change the fonts? The new
looks nice, but maybe the user want something other. A nice
"Default"-Button would also help
to reset the fonts.

The design of GNOME3 is great. The new font and theme rocks! It really
rocks! Taste is a subjectiv-value,
but "GTK3" looks always nice and Qt4 looks by default ugly. Sorry KDE! But
taste is subjective.

// support and stability
The problem is that GNOME only offers two support releases 3.x.1 and 3.x.2
on every major-release. The bug report below shows a bug
caused by GNOME or X11 in GNOME "3.4.2". It was fixed upstream but the
developers decide not to support the current release anymore.

At that time GNOME 3.6 wasn't used by any distribution. So the fix was
"waiting for the next major-release".

Bug reports: # note: archlinux build
on stable-upstream and avoids custom patches
Supporting older code doesn't make fun, but it is necessary. Who doesn't
hate it? Is it better to "overlap" support between major-releases? Think
distributions, commercial users and public services.
Also why stick on two bugfix-releases only? A lot of GNOME-Projects
already doesn't care about this "limit".
If their are no dependencies, the project-developers would be free to
release bugfixes when necessary.

Why not untie certain projects from the release-cycle, e.g. Epiphany and
Evolution? This will give the developers the time to "getting things
Obviously this doesn't match for the core applications,
like Nautilus, gnome-system-monitor or gnome-disks. But unnecessary tieing
seem like a drawback to me, not a benefit.

GNOME is tightly fit to a six-month cycle, especially with Ubuntu. At
least the later one will not matter anymore. If it ever did? I won't
jugdge this, but it seem to be very short and merely caused by "the
sync" with Ubuntu. Maybe a longer cycle would be better? This will
allow for collecting user-feedback (time lag between GNOME and
distributions) after the release, make proposals and drafts, talk with
user about the proposal and finally writing code. Will avoid "flying

// launch several applications at once from the dash with Ctrl+Left
Mouse Button # big thanks!
Well. I just want say thank you!
I'm also eager to see this added in future (waiting since 3.0 for this):

// clocks, wheater, documents, photos, contacts clocks
# great! just great!
// wheater
# great, but like always it lacks the simple options:
switch from "Grad Fahrenheit" to "Grad Celcius"
// documents # i' dont get the purpuse, it is not generic (nautilus)
nor application specific (evince, abiword, libreoffice)
// photos # i'dont get the purpuse, it is not generic (nautilus)
nor application specific like (geeqie, eog, shotwell)
// contacs
# good idea, evolution is to much for non-business!
but why i can import/export contacts? the application is in this state
a /dev/null or literally a dead-end for data. on the other side, i can
see the contacts from "contacts" in evolution but not the contacts i've
added in evolution in "contacts"?

Well. No I'm weird. To much contacts :D
Thank you for your patience. You must be crazy if you have read all of
this! Brave soul!


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