Re: Archived git modules

On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 05:12:53PM +0200, Olav Vitters wrote:
The following git modules have been archived:
- clutter-gstreamermm
- divifund
- drgeo
- firestarter
- gimmie
- gnome-docker
- gnome-launch-box
- gnome-mime-data
- gnome-python-extras
- guikachu
- hipo
- jana
- jumpnbumpmenu
- libgail-gnome
- libgnomecanvas
- libgnomecanvasmm
- nautilus-cd-burner
- nautilus-media
- nautilus-vcs

All above (except gnomecanvas C++ binding) didn't have DOAP files,
though various translators have been committing. IMO waste of translator

Anything can be unarchived of course.


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