Re: Multilingual Terminal

Since there hasn't been any replie... is there a better place to ask?

On ו', 2014-05-02 at 12:51 +0300, fr33domlover wrote:

I'm using GNU/Linux with an RTL locale - Hebrew - and I've been using
GNOME Terminal for long time. RTL was always a problem: e.g. when I type
a path I see it in reverse and any localized console output is displayed
in reverse too. Hebrew text in ncurses programs is reversed too. Very
difficult to read.

Usually this is solved by using `mlterm`, the multilingual terminal. I
don't know how it works - but what if GNOME Terminal was able by default
to handle RTL locales like `mlterm` does? Or even make it optional via
the profile settings?

What would it take to add such support, and is there any internal issue
preventing this from happening?

-- fr33

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