Re: A dock

Hey Sebastien and Alex :)

As you both can see, there are just two emails in this Thread, and we already covered the spectrum of opinions.

For my part, you should know that i'm actively working on one of those Dock Extension that have been mentioned. But i'm not gonna say that everybody should use it. Instead i want to emphasize that i think having a Dock in an Extension Scope is the PERFECT solution for a Dock. And here's why.

Docks will never make everybody happy. There are too many behaviours people expect, too many options, too many positions people argue about. 

Take into account that we are moving towards a more and more device-agnostic playfield. An (intellhide) Dock just isn't a viable solution for a range of Devices. I'm not the guru of anything Gnome is up to. But i think including a component that's so complex and also personal in its behaviour and usage is actually better off being an Extension.

Also i would like to point out that we keep on forgetting that Extensions are not some kinda stripped down shoehorned replacement of real Shell programming. They are REALLY powerful. Why they seem to be objected to something that's *lower* than Shell Code is beyond me. Maybe it's the presentation? Is it the quality of Extensions? Maybe that's really where we should be looking for a solution.

Am Samstag, 4. April 2015 schrieb alex diavatis :
Hello Sebastien,

Also as a desktop user, I do think that would be awful. Your OS X example, is a good example why GNOME should avoid
intelligent hide docs. It doesn't even work either good on Elementary, or with extensions.

But since you like it, and since  you already know how you can use it, and since any distro can ship such an extension,
whats the point of making default? :/

- alex

On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 8:52 PM, Sébastien D. <se8 and gmail com> wrote:
First, I want to thank you and congratulate you for Gnome 3.16. It's a
great release and I'm in love with it : beautiful, simple, clean and
not bloated with useless features. We spend 99% of our time in a
browser nowadays and it's so cool to have this stellar browser :

But as a desktop user, the navigation between applications is a pain
to work with. I have tried hard to get used to, but it's still not a
smooth process. Maybe it's just me. Or maybe Gnome is more targeted
for laptops and tablets.

So, a quick idea : now that notifications have moved away, why not put
a permanent dock in the bottom of the screen (like OS X or something
like that) ?

I know that extensions can just do that, but it could be a good move
to win back desktop users (and distributions).

Thanks all, I wish you the best,

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