Re: Is there a way to prin in multiple pages?

On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 08:35:15AM -0600, Lars Clausen wrote:
On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Leonardo Javier Belén wrote:
In the mean time, a thing that really drives me crazy is the fact that,
when I need to print know the diagram in specially big paper (using a
sort of plotter) I, according with the printer's, need to give them a
raster image, so I try to give them .pngs, in which the resolution is
96x96, which is clearly unsufficient, so how can I change that value?.
In 0.90, you are asked for the size of the PNG when you export.  Just set
this up to however much you need.
I think he means *resolution*. The printers need to know it (or at least 
are accustomed to think in these terms, which is the same :-)


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