Re: Re[2]: Development; other diagram types

On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 08:16:04PM +0000, Alan Horkan wrote:
The third shape is what happens if you edit something.shape
and entirely remove the section

<svg:polygon style="stroke-width  ...

which i had hoped would create only a filled rectangle
but instead it creates a filled rectangle with a black outline.
Moreover, because the border lines are always included, shapes get "swollen"
when scaled down, since the line width does not scale. 


Jaroslav Benkovsky
Senior System Administrator
NEXTRA Czech Republic s.r.o.,
V Celnici 10  / CZ - 117 21 Praha 1 / Czech Republic
Tel: +420-296 355-111
E-Mail: jaroslav benkovsky nextra cz
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