Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] [WIN32] gtk2+-2.22 integration

On 12/15/2010 02:00 PM, Thierry Simonnet wrote:
Le 15/12/2010 10:27, Eugen Dedu a écrit :
On 15/12/10 07:04, Thierry Simonnet wrote:
Le 14/12/2010 10:29, Eugen Dedu a écrit :
On 14/12/10 07:52, Julien Puydt wrote:
Le 13/12/2010 21:29, Eugen Dedu a écrit :
On 13/12/10 19:00, Thierry Simonnet wrote:
It has never been in. Julien, should it be built in Windows port? 
It is
Well, it is experimental, but as far as I know it works... and how do
you test in-depth something nobody ever tries? Or perhaps I should add
an "EXPERIMENTAL" tag somewhere?
Ok, then we will add it. Thiery, could you send us a patch to Makefile
to use Loudmouth?

I tested new win32 Makefile on a fresh Debian squeeze 64bits platform. I
didn't have time to add LOUDMOUTH yet.
I noticed that there is some troubles with GTK_CFLAGS and GTK_LIBS flags
(perhaps also with CCFLAGS and CXXFLAGS). They are not well set up in
ekiga/lib and ekiga/src Makefile. gtk/xxxx.h are not found pkgconfig
doesn't seem to work as well as expected.
Have you used the last git repository?  Such a fix was posted in "Fix 
previous commit":
I also noticed that for the whole toolchain we use 2 versions of libpng
(libpng12 and libpng - 14).
libpng14 is not used, since I remove -lpng14 (useless for ekiga it 
seems).  I ask myself if for libpng12 we use, headers+lib or only 
headers are needed.
Another point :
when generating from scratch : gdk-pixpuf is not installed before compiling ekiga.

ekiga-devel-list mailing list
ekiga-devel-list gnome org
Here is Makefile I use, based on ekiga/win32 one. It differs for FFMPEG.
LOUDMOUTH modification is inside.
To use it, it is necessary to add :

   * --enable-loudmouth in confekiga
   * setup LOUDMOUTH_CFLAGS = -I ..../win32/include
   * setup LOUDMOUTH_LIBS = ..../win32/loudmouth/lib

Hope it helps


Thierry Simonnet


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