Re: Merchandise and publicity packs for conferences


Quoting Jeff Waugh <jdub perkypants org>:
Anyway, yes, this is something the new board can continue to work on, and
something marketing team should be pushing them for.
The reason I got thinking about this is primarily because I've been trying to
get past the ideological blockage with the GIMP web guy for a while now (he
doesn't like the idea of as an online store), and recently I was at a
conference (oh - you saw the photo) where the GNOME presence was a table with
two guys at their laptops, and one foolscap page with ""
handwritten on it... I was so freaked out by it that I went away, found a
computer with Illustrator on it, and did a very quick GNOME foot on A4 paper,
but it still didn't look great...

I have this abiding memory of RMS giving his usual stump speech in Dublin a few
years back, and as soon as he had finished, heading out to the desk he had set
up (and requested that a local man while he was talking) where you could buy
GNU books, software on a CD, t-shirts, pay membership to join the FSF and EFF,
and a bunch of other nick-knacks with the GNU head on them. I don't know how
much he madethat night, but I would love to have a similar type of presence
whenever GNOME guys set up shop.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France

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