Re: Merchandise and publicity packs for conferences

<quote who="Dave Neary">

I have this abiding memory of RMS giving his usual stump speech in Dublin
a few years back, and as soon as he had finished, heading out to the desk
he had set up (and requested that a local man while he was talking) where
you could buy GNU books, software on a CD, t-shirts, pay membership to
join the FSF and EFF, and a bunch of other nick-knacks with the GNU head
on them. I don't know how much he madethat night, but I would love to have
a similar type of presence whenever GNOME guys set up shop.

Yeah, totally. There are some posters and banners that we've been shipping
around, but we need to get some great (scaleable) poster designs up so
everyone can pitch in. That is kinda blocking on the trademark issues

- Jeff

-- 2005: Canberra, Australia
   "Rick Moen is more an outlet for our repressed amazement than anything
                           else." - Nick Moffitt

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