Re: Looking for GnomeWeb goals coordinators

El dc 26 de 07 del 2006 a les 14:43 -0700, en/na Jeff Waugh va escriure:

Under 2.16 goals, one of the unassigned tasks is "move projects subsites out
of wgo" -> I strongly think this should be deferred, because I've yet to see
any analysis for what we (and that's a *big* 'we') want to get out of the
projects sites, and what the purpose of moving them is.
I agree the formulation of the goal is not appropriate. I have added a
question mark:

* move projects subsites out of wgo?

It is clear that we are not going to move anything anywhere without
previous discussion and consensus. Like we are doing with the rest of

 It's underspecified and unassigned, so should be deferred. :-)
For the same reason we should defer most of the current goals and we
would end up producing almost nothing in this release.  :)

Goals not getting a plan and the resources needed to accomplish them
will be deferred per se, included this one. Let us keep it by now.

Anyone wants to take it to start settling it down?

Quim Gil /// |

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