Re: the real wgo goals (was Re: Experiences with these CMSs)

El dc 26 de 07 del 2006 a les 13:45 +0200, en/na Gergely Nagy va

 * Define the content and scope of (needs coordinator) [2]

IMHO this is the single most important task in the whole process.
I didn't add it to the goals because I assumed that it was a task
implicit in 

 * Define a clear structure for - GnomeWeb/NewWgoStructure

and also

 * Make wgo explain clearly what is GNOME, why you want to have it and
be part of it

However, if it needs to be explicit let's make it explicit. It is now
listed at

Until this is sorted out, a CMS should not be decided for.
I would pick it myself now but I'm busy until the end of the month.

Quim Gil /// |

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