Re: Mobile Funding - Update

Dear All

A gentle reminder - please comment on the Project Plan or provide your approval for me to move ahead.

Once I have a go decision - I will work on conferences between end of May till the next 3 months and coordinate the mobile process.


On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Bharat Kapoor <3 kapoor gmail com> wrote:
Dear All

I have updated the Project plan for the Pilot, which I feel comfortable that we can achieve in the next 3 months. If successful will make a it a permanent feature and also investigate Europe and other high open source concentrations areas next?

Please take a look at the Project Plan section towards the end @:

Feedback requested:
  1. Is this good enough to go? or do we need more planning or need to explore additional channels?
  2. Have we picked the right conferences - is there any conference that we missed between May end through Aug end?
  3. Should we list ourselves on: Qnation & Wecaretoo?
  4. Do we have a booth the the conferences listed, if not does anyone have a contact at these conferences, if not I shall contact them.
Best Regards

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