Re: Mobile Funding - Update

Hi all,

As far as I've seen, in Spain mobile donations are only possible if
you make an agreement with network operators. There are no companies
for this. During the first weeks of the Haiti disaster, Spanish Red
Cross managed to get some donations through this channel.

The negative side is that there is a law in Spain, to avoid scams,
which limits the maximum donation to 1,20 €. Of course that is better
than nothing, but considering both conditions I'm not sure if it
worths spending too much effort on this (just talking about Spain)

Best regards,

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:40 PM, Bharat Kapoor <3 kapoor gmail com> wrote:
Dear All

A gentle reminder - please comment on the Project Plan or provide your
approval for me to move ahead.

Once I have a go decision - I will work on conferences between end of May
till the next 3 months and coordinate the mobile process.


On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Bharat Kapoor <3 kapoor gmail com> wrote:

Dear All

I have updated the Project plan for the Pilot, which I feel comfortable
that we can achieve in the next 3 months. If successful will make a it a
permanent feature and also investigate Europe and other high open source
concentrations areas next?

Please take a look at the Project Plan section towards the end @:

Feedback requested:

Is this good enough to go? or do we need more planning or need to explore
additional channels?
Have we picked the right conferences - is there any conference that we
missed between May end through Aug end?
Should we list ourselves on: Qnation & Wecaretoo?
Do we have a booth the the conferences listed, if not does anyone have a
contact at these conferences, if not I shall contact them.

Best Regards

marketing-list mailing list
marketing-list gnome org

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