Re: Marketing Marketing

Hi all,

We discussed this during yesterday's phone meeting. A few points that
stood out for me:

 * There were some concerns that "advocacy" sounds too political and forceful
 * While there was some support for "promotion", it was also
recognised that this implies one-way communication, and that this
might not be the best fit for what we do (or what we aspire to)
 * "Outreach" has a life of its own beyond the existing marketing team

We clearly promote, engage, advocate and reach out, and each of these
terms describes *some* of what we do. As such, I think we need to be
focusing on which aspect of our work we want to emphasise. Based on
yesterday's conversation, I'm thinking that engagement is probably the
best fit, since it emphasises meaningful two-way conversation
(something which is close to our mission and our brand identity).


On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 9:26 PM, Oliver Propst <oliver propst gmail com> wrote:
Hi, I'm not sure there is a need of change the term but if so I think
"promotion" is the best fit.

On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 12:50 PM, Flavia Weisghizzi <flavia weisghizzi it>

My reservation about "engagement" is that it makes it sound like we
only work with people who we already have a relationship with.

Agree :)

  So I think my preference is for "promotion":

I really prefer "advocacy" but "promotions" sounds quite good too :)



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-mvh Oliver Propst

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