Re: [Evolution] Doesn't work at all.

Used Helix Update to install the latest (0.5) of Evolution on a RH6.2
Actually, there's an Evolution 0.5.1 now that fixes some of the bugs in
0.5.  You might want to consider updating.

Error while "Loading Sent Folder":  Could not create folder "/mbox":  No
such file or directory.

What do I need to configure in order to get this working?
I'm not sure whether this bug is fixed in 0.5.1 or not, but you can work
around it fairly easily (worked for me, anyway).  As root:

#mkdir /mbox

Although, I now
don't get any errors, I can not delete any mail.  It draws a line through it
but never disappears.  Any ideas?
It's marked for deletion.  To clean out a folder, go to the Folder menu
and select Expunge.  Then all the mail with lines through it goes away.

-Mark Gordon

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