On Mon, 2001-10-22 at 15:21, Janne Morén wrote:
I'm about to install redhat 7.2, and I'm wondering if anybody has been able to install evolution (or, indeed Ximian Gnome) under the betas; will the 7.1 RPM:s work if I remove the original Gnome rpm:s?
While it's often not the most reliable news source, slashdot's article on 7.2's release states the following: If you're upgrading from the previous Red Hat 7.1 and you're using Ximian GNOME, then you might want to erase all Ximian GNOME RPMS (use the command: rpm -e `rpm -qa | grep -i ximian` --nodeps to erase the RPMS). Red Hat's GNOME RPMS has been more tested then Ximian's one and there is a conflict between them. You cannot use Red-Carpet on Redhat 7.2 as it will fail with the RPM libraries. Not that I can make an immense amount of sense of the English or technical meaning in there, but it seems that things aren't too well supported at the moment. I'm sure that RH7.2 is one of Ximian's main target platforms, though, so it won't be too long before things are fixed. ~C. -- $a="printf.net"; Chris Ball | chris void $a | www.$a | finger: chris $a "In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded."
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