Re: [Evolution] Redhat 7.2

On Mon, 2001-10-22 at 11:35, Chris Ball wrote:
On Mon, 2001-10-22 at 15:21, Janne Morén wrote:
I'm about to install redhat 7.2, and I'm wondering if anybody has been
able to install evolution (or, indeed Ximian Gnome) under the betas;
will the 7.1 RPM:s work if I remove the original Gnome rpm:s?
While it's often not the most reliable news source, slashdot's article
on 7.2's release states the following:

 If you're upgrading from the previous Red Hat 7.1 and you're using
 Ximian GNOME, then you might want to erase all Ximian GNOME RPMS (use
 the command: rpm -e `rpm -qa | grep -i ximian` --nodeps to erase the
 RPMS). Red Hat's GNOME RPMS has been more tested then Ximian's one and
 there is a conflict between them. You cannot use Red-Carpet on Redhat
 7.2 as it will fail with the RPM libraries.
Where does slashdot come up with this shit?  (pardon my french)  I don't
believe Red Hat's QA process to be substantially better than the Ximian
one. Clearly Ximian GNOME for Red Hat 7.1 isn't designed to work on Red
Hat 7.2, but that doesn't detract from the QA that they've done.  I'm
sure Ximian will have a new Ximian GNOME before very long at all. 

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