Re: [Evolution] Evo 1.4.6 to Evo 2.2, SuSE to Ubuntu

A courageous 'ls -la /home' would tell you...

For reference, here is a sane one:

$ ls -ld /home/guenther
drwxr-xr-x  93 guenther users 4608 Jun 18 04:20 /home/guenther/
OK, here is what I got:

$ sudo ls -ld /home
total 12
d----wS---   3  kelly   staff  4096 2005-02-24  09:00  .
drwxr-xr-x  22  root    root   4096 2005-06-13  23:11  ..
drwxrwx---  26  kelly   kelly  4096 2005-06-12  14:48  kelly
There we go. You obviously changed the ownership and permission of the
wrong files and dirs.

/home/kelly still belongs to the user 'kelly' and his (private) group
'kelly'. That's fine. However, the permissions and ownership of /home is
totally borked...

/home should not belong to any particular user. As mentioned in my "sane
example" user and group 'root' would be sane.

/home needs some permissions for the users who do have their $HOME
there. Otherwise they will not be able to change to their own $HOME.
(Think of it as a door in front of your house. If you do not have the
key for that door, how are you supposed to enter your place?)

You need read and execute permissions to the world (others) for home.
Like my example below clearly shows.

(Besides, your output is from 'ls -la'... ;)

(FYI Ubuntu handles root differently than SuSE, RH, etc.: "Ubuntu uses
[ snipp ]

Yeah. You would not need root privileges, if the permissions of /home
where sane...

What I'm wondering is: did I slip up and, in a fatigued midnight
session, accidentally change the permissions on /home rather than
/home/kelly ? As I try to reconstruct what I did, it seems like the most
likely thing that I could have done that would #$%^&*-ed things up so
badly as to prevent me from even logging in. 
The courageous command mentioned above would tell you about this, too.
(It's the dir listed as a single dot in that example.)
OK, from the above "." it looks like that I have not done anything to it
since 2/24/2005 but it looks like root ".." was last changed 6/13/2005 -
which, I assume, is not a good sign. 
Should be fine.

Another sane reference:

$ ls -ld /home
drwxr-xr-x  14 root root 384 Jun  3 00:04 /home/

You specifically need read/execute permissions to the world (other).
Guenther. I'm sorry but I don't know what rw permission "to the world
(other)" means. What I get is:
I did not mention "rw permissions".

A file (same for dirs, which actually are files as well) has an owner
and a group assigned. You can set permissions for the owning user, the
group and anyone else -- often referred to as "world" or "other". That's
what I mean.

The owner of /home should be root, the group too. Permissions to other
applies to anyone who is not 'root' nor member of the group 'root'.
Which clearly applies to any user (unless someone changes it for a good
reason). "Any user" includes 'kelly'.

So you need to change the ownership of /home and grant proper
permissions to anyone else:

# chown root:root /home
# chmod 755 /home

d----wS---   3  kelly   staff  4096 2005-02-24  09:00 /home
Yup, we had that above already. It's the "." dir in your output above.

I don't see any indication that any content has been lost at all.
Then please have a look at your permissions and ownerships of those
dirs, if you can have a look inside your $HOME... 
Everything that I have found in /home/kelly has permissions as follows:

That's fine, if the files are actually owned by 'kelly'.

<sigh> I think that I'm just going to have to delete and re-install
Ubuntu. I should be able to get back to the point where everything is
working, *except* migrating the Evolution files. Before I migrate again,
I'll have to figure out how to resolve the permissions issue, but at
least everything else will be working.
Whatever, I can't really tell you more than I already did...
Guenther, I apologize for being so clueless when I'm obliged to use a
CLI - I know it makes it harder to help me.
Please, read about these topics and the commands mentioned. Do
understand what the commands are about to do. Do not blindly try to use
them. It failed before...


char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0  ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

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